
None of us knows what the next change is going to be, what unexpected opportunity is just around the corner, waiting a few months or a few years to change the tenor of our lives. -Kathleen Norris

As of December 5, 2012…

I have avoided creating this page because I am a work in process in terms of defining myself.  But here it goes.  I am a 43-year old wife and mother of 2 beautiful children.  I also happen to be the proud owner of 314 days of continuous sobriety, the most I have ever put together in my adult life.  I began this blog as a sort of diary to chart my journey through recovery, but, like so many things in life, it has evolved into more than I could ever have dreamed possible.  The lessons I have learned, the friendships I have made in this online world, and the relationships I have deepened in my “offline” life are gifts I didn’t even know existed.

In this early phase of my recovery, the most important lesson I have learned is this:  with any form of addiction, the substance is nothing more than a symptom… the real problem lies between the ears.  The solution is honest self-examination, willingness to change, and a belief that there is Something or Someone greater than yourself to help you.

I have also learned that no matter how dark the cloud is over your head, no matter how low you feel your bottom is, no matter how hopeless life seems, there is a miracle waiting… and it is right around the corner!

  1. Hello…I just wanted to personally thank you for being an inspiration to me and my blogging aspirations! With that said, I wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for The Reader Appreciation Award! You can check out the details on my blog at http://faith1stministries.wordpress.com . CONGRATULATIONS!!


  2. Thank you for requesting access to my blogs, but you don’t really need permission. You can simply go to http://liferevelation.wordpress.com. At this address you can see all my posts via the archives. For some reason wordpress is convinced people need special permission to view my blog. We’ve have volumes of emails to get this cleared up, but, as you experienced, we are still far short from resolving the issue.

    I hope you enjoy the posts…and just as your tag line says, “There are no coincidences.”

    Be encouraged!


  3. TMATC, I have read many of your posts (but would be dishonest so say I read them all). What a great tool blogging is for those early in sobriety. My early writings are committed to an 8×11 binder and they will probably stay there. I find it encouraging that you can write such raw feelings—brava.

    I, too, am an alcoholic (but not the anonymous variety). I see your growth over the past six months on these pages and it is beautiful. I see myself in the words you wrote in many of the posts.
    My life today is totally different than when I first got sober. It is almost shocking to go back and read my earliest thoughts in sobriety. Continue on your journey. One day you will write these same words in another’s blog. Recovery has been the best gift I ever gave myself.

    Congrats on your 180 days.

    Lots and lots of love,
    Lisa Neumann

    ps … thanks for finding me and my blog I follow you too now xox

    Liked by 1 person

  4. It’s a pleasure to find you here via Lisa’s blog. I look forward to following your posts!


    • I am so happy to have you reading. I absolutely love Lisa’s blog, and I look forward to following you as well. I am new to recovery (7 months today) and even newer to the blogging world (about 4 months). The fun of being new is every post, comment, and new friend fills me with such joy, much like each of my 210 days sober! I feel ridiculous even writing what I just wrote, but it is the truth. Thanks again for following and for the comment, it means more than you will ever know! Josie


      • runningonsober

        What a superb day it is today then! 7 MONTHS?! That’s a really long-ass time in sober days! 🙂 I congratulate you and encourage you to continually flex those writing muscles. I’ll have 16 months on the 6th, and have about 4 months blogging as well. I’ll be forever grateful to have taken those first steps toward a life without buffer and those first steps toward connecting with others via blogging. Miracles continue to greet me around every corner I round. It’s truly humbling. Have a wonderful day! Congrats again on 7 months!!! ~ RoS (Christy)


  5. To my good friend Joanne, so glad I can share your journey with you.


  6. The longer the journey the bigger the reward. Congrats on 314! Around each corner is a another miracle.


  7. This is my first visit here. I find your honesty inspiring. You’re not the problem – you’re the solution! Thank you for sharing your story.



  8. Hello – I just discovered your blog. I must say that I wish I had found your site sooner. I grew up with alcohol – I did not drink it – my dad did and drank his entire life until it killed him 3 years ago. It seems, I have fought his addiction all of my life. I look forward to reading your words.- I have already read a few posts and I find them wonderful, inspiring, enlightening – beautiful.



  9. Just found you on carrythemessage and I’m so glad I did. Love your posts and how you find a miracle in your everyday life. 🙂


  10. Congratulations! I spend time with friends who are addicted to alcohol, Listerine, crack, heroin and everything in between. I know from them how hard it is to remain sober or straight for any length of time. Every day a friend will tell me, “I haven’t had a drink for four days,” or “I’ve been on a three day drunk instead of a four day drunk like last week.”

    One of my friends celebrated four months of sobriety, another has passed the five year mark. You can too!



  11. Author, Catherine Townsend- Lyon

    *Josie, CONGRATS on the hard work it takes for us to be FREE from addiction! You, and I are Worth SO much more! My *Demon* happened to be compulsive addicted gambling, which had me on my knees, not once, but 2 times…begging god to just give up on me and let me die.
    Well, he most certainly had MUCH Bigger plans for my Higher Calling, I just couldn’t see it at the time!

    Thanks be being so open and honest about your journey, and taking us along. Our stories are very Powerful tools to help others reach out for help no matter what type of addiction they maybe afflicted. I appreciate you having me on your blogroll, and hope I do you justice on my Blog preview in *Sharing* your Blog and story with others! God Bless, and Happy 4th! *Author, Catherine Townsend-Lyon


  12. Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog! It always makes my day to know there are actually out tree reading the equivalent of my heart and soul on a page.

    Can’t wait to dive in and read bout your journey. Discovering new blogging buddies is one of my favorite things to do.

    Take care,


  13. Huge congrats to you and your journey in recovery. Not sure how I found this blog exactly, but it definetly happened for a reason. I have much admiration for all of you “bloggers” (is that corrrect? lol) to not only write about your recovery and/or what you may be going thru, but to have the courage and honesty to share it with others I love. Stay blessed. jen _/l\_


  14. I’ve nominated you for the Sunshine Award! Thank you for brightening my days.

    You are my sunshine….


  15. I too nominated you for the sunshine award! I seem to follow Jami because we like the same blogs!



  16. “You had me at hello”
    I loved reading this little bit about you and am excited to learn and read more in your space.
    So glad our paths crossed via Chrisy…”there are no coincidences!”


  17. Hi, I am so thrilled that I found your site! I found it by accident…. and there it was, today, on a day that I really needed inspiration or something to show me the way… I could believe it, especially the tag line “there are no coincidences”. I first found Josie C’s post on “Act your way into Right Thinking”. I had just entered that in to search on the web, and her post popped up. I had heard about “behaving your way into thinking” in my recovery group I am in, from my counselor and decided to find out more about it. I am 47 days sober and this is my second time In IOP (Intense Outpatient Treatment). I went 134 days before… I have been struggling and searching for more information and I believe that I am in the right spot now. This – I know, will open up so much more understanding and guidance in my recovery. I can’t wait to read more of the posts! Thank you sooooo much!


    • Denise, I can’t welcome you warmly enough, or cheer for you loud enough on your 47 days! I have also done IOP twice, and I can tell you it’s the first 180 or so that are the absolute hardest, I promise with all my heart it gets easier! I can’t wait to get to know you better!


  18. Now that I just started going to meetings, I will make sure i read your Monday Meeting Miracles….I plan to go back and read the older ones too. I have been so scared for so long to go and now I look forward to going. Thanks! M.B.


  19. Author Catherine Townsend-Lyon

    You know YOU ARE a “Miracle” & “Inspiration” to many of us out here in RecoveryLand! Your one of my 1st followed blog when I started my recovery blog over a year ago! And I still LUV YA Baby!….LOL! Keep on keeping on my friend 🙂
    *Catherine* 🙂


  20. Hi! I left a comment on the “dimple” post! And asked if you wouldnt mind stopping in to my new blog, but it didnt seem to go to blog when clicking my user name merrimj… So again, loving your posts, and please visit me seekingoutsobriety.wordpress.com
    🙂 merri

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Miracles are indeed around each corner. Some not as visible.
    The nice thing I have discovered about blogging is what you say here doesn’t have to stay here ; )
    In fitness, Bob

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Hi there MIATC, we love the blog, you’re writing is fantastic and surely super helpful to those needing it. We were wondering if you might possibly be interested in a guest writer spot, or some sort of article exchange?

    If you could contact us at your earliest possible convenience we would appreciate it,
    Looking forward to hearing from you,

    All the best,



  23. Hi MIATC,

    I’m a huge fan of your blog. It greatly helped get me into treatment and on the road to recovery. Since leaving treatment I’ve picked up an old, good habit of mine…writing.

    I’ve been working with some fellow treatment members and current patients to put together some really great, relevant content that I believe could really benefit your readers.

    Do you ever allow for guest posting? I’d love to get one of my articles onto your site or added to an older one, a piece that expounds on an existing article would be great too.

    Anything that may help your readers, or someone that stumbles onto your blog through some random google search as I did.

    Thank you for your work on MIATC and your continued dedication, I look forward to hearing from you.

    Thanks again.


    • Hi J,

      So glad to hear that what I’ve written has had a positive impact on your life, and thrilled to hear you are sober and writing!

      I would love to read what you are writing. And yes, I have had guest posts in the past. Do you have a blog yourself? Where might I see your work? If you do not have a blog and just want to email me content, please do so at:


      I look forward to reading, thanks again for the kind words, and congratulations on your sobriety!


  24. I am tired of the struggle of life. I walked out of my house with no idea where I was headed. It dawned on me to sit in the cathedral but it’s locked. I have my phone and started reading blogs on addiction.com for no particular reason. I began going through the steps and people’s renditions of those steps. Reading that there is a miracle waiting just around the corner may have just saved my life… Literally. Keep putting your thoughts out there you just never know the impact you may have.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Beth,

      First, I am so sorry for your pain, truly. I empathize with the feelings of futility more than I can say.

      I am humbled that my words helped you in some way.

      You remind me how different life was, not very long ago. When I compare that life to the one I have now, it is almost like looking at two different people.

      If you believe nothing else, believe this: it can, and does, turn on a dime. It did for me, and I believe it will for you too. Putting yourself out there, as you did with this comment, is a critical first step.

      I am praying for you Beth, and I hope your miracle is soon 🙂


  25. Dear Miracle – I am a new blogger and happy to find your site. You were a work in progress in ’12, and I am now in ’16. I can already appreciate the honesty and look forward to reading your posts.

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Thanks for the site!
    I added your site to my ‘blog roll’ so your new posts will appear as links on my blog. Hope that’s OK!

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Hi Josie,
    I’ve found your blog via What, Me Sober? I’ve only read a few of your most recent posts and already know your blog is a keeper for me! I have about 15 months, I’m also a 40+ mom with two amazing kids and ( miraculously) an in-tact and loving marriage. This is my first time in recovery and, as the promises are beginning to come true, I am beyond amazed at the changes in me and my life as recovery ripples outward from me. I maintain a rigorous program and recovery-based reading is a big part of it. Thanks for contributing to my recovery today. I’ll be back!
    Dana in Northern CA

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Dana!

      First and foremost, CONGRATULATIONS! 15 months is tremendous, and it does seem like we have quite a bit in common. I read this comment and I instantly relate to that awe and wonder at all the incredible changes that occur in sobriety. I am so glad my sharing my story helps you, I know you sharing the comment helps to keep me sober today 🙂

      Thanks again Dana!


      • Hey Josie,
        Just wondering where you’ve got to and am missing your posts. I hope all is well with you.


  28. I miss you. Are you ok?


  29. Where is my beautiful girl? I shall try and hunt you down on social media. Or you can text me with an update on all things “miracles” … I miss you.
    cell: nine-four-nine-8-3-8-seven-nine-zero-five.
    I love you.


  1. Pingback: Runnin’ Down A Dream | Running On Sober

  2. Pingback: Connections | ByeByeBeer

  3. Pingback: One Year After the Boston Marathon Bombing | Running On Sober

  4. Pingback: See it Here! Photographic Evidence of the Retro Party Aftermath | Lipstick and Laundry

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