Good Tidings: I’ve Become a WHAAAAT?!?

Present-day you meets 10-years-ago you for coffee. Share with your younger self the most challenging thing, the most rewarding thing, and the most fun thing they have to look forward to.


“First of all,” 35-year old Josie (35J) declares to 45 year-old Josie (45J), “We don’t even drink coffee.  Why not catch up with a glass of Chardonnay?”

“That question segues nicely into my biggest news,” replies 45J.  “Although I’d rather have had more time to build up to this, I might as well dive in.  Coffee, in fact, is our beverage of choice, as we now identify as an alcoholic.”

Silence.  Dumfounded, disbelieving, dead silence, followed by some polite overtures to end this ridiculous conversation that is clearly based in fiction.  Once convinced that 45J knows what she is talking about, 35J has lots of arguments:

“We have been drinking, without a remote incident, for better than 15 years now.  How can one go from having no problem with alcohol to being an alcoholic that needs to attend meetings, abstain from ingesting anything mind-altering, and work the 12 steps of recovery?”  How does that happen?

“We don’t have enough time to go into those details, this is only a coffee date, but it is true, battling addiction will be the most challenging issue you will face in the next 10 years.  And you will not only battle it once with alcohol, but you will do it again a few years later with pain medicine.  The consequences of that addiction will extend further than the active addiction itself.”

“As difficult as this entire conversation is to believe, the content of the conversation is even more unbelievable.  I barely know what pain medication is, and I’ve never been sick a day in my life.  I’m not even sure what follow-up questions to ask at this point!”

“Amazingly, the most challenging thing you have to deal with in the next ten years, addiction, becomes the most rewarding thing,” reveals 45J.  “Recovering from addiction, participating in a 12-step fellowship, and employing those principles as part of your everyday life allows us to live, comfortable in our own skin, in a way we never dreamed possible.”

“Well that, at least sounds promising,” responds 35J ruefully. “Tell me something, do we ever lose all the weight we want and become the size 6 we dream?”

“No, weight loss continues to be on our list of goals, but two positive things do change:  We never gain back any of the weight we lost the year you are in, and we also gain a healthier perspective on our body image.  The obsession to be a size 6 fades away, and we are working towards an acceptance of ourselves as we are, rather than what we think we should be.”

“Hmm, sounds lovely,” murmurs 35J, completely unconvinced.  “What about this backwoods area we live… do we ever get out?”

“We do, in less than 2 years we will get a chance to move, and it gives us everything that we wish for.  But, as they say, be careful what you wish for… we want neighborhood camaraderie, but we are woefully unprepared for the social pressure it puts on us.  We long to live closer to family, but we fail to anticipate the obligations that proximity creates.”

“That sounds dismal!” exclaims 35J.

“Well, did we think everything in our future is sunshine and lollipops?  Here’s the reality:  in the next ten years, there will be a boatload of things, good and bad that will be handed to us:  awesome vacations, along with tense family showdowns.  Milestones in our children’s lives, disappointment in our children’s lives.  Loss of loved ones, new additions to our family. Some we will handle better than others, but the best news of all:  we are still around to live our life, to learn from our mistakes, and to continue to grow and become a better person.”

“It’s really hard to figure out pronoun usage when we’re talking to ourselves, isn’t it?” remarks 35J.

“We said it,” replied 45J.

Posted on November 15, 2014, in Self-Care and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 16 Comments.

  1. Love your conversation! 35 does show signs of being open to change, so you must have had that possibility in you all along.


  2. What fun, love it! Really interesting prompt (may work this into journal writing), and how true how the things we think we want aren’t often what we’d imagined. Well done.


  3. I like that you did this outside your comfort zone. And you know what – it was awesome! And even if you didn’t think it had value, so what – you tried something. But the conversation there is a great one…a surreal one, but yet something I can identify with. I wouldn’t have believed anything I would have said now to the Paul of 10 yrs ago. not one word would have registered. Can we say “denial”?


    Fantastic post, Josie….loved it.



  4. Josie–I loved this!
    The interesting thing was that I worked bottoms up on my e-mail this morning and found the daily prompt first and remember thinking, “Yikes! I have no idea how I would address this.” Delete.
    I shouldn’t be surprised to find that you did this so perfectly–what a wise and wonderful woman you are. I’m sure 35J thought so, too.
    it’s given me an idea for my book. I just love how the universe brought us together in the first place and continues to do so. Wait…it was Christy who introduced us 😉
    Have a great week, Josie!


    • Wow, Michelle, that is so very kind of you. I was so uncomfortable hitting publish on that post, I don’t even want to re-read it it makes me so self-conscious! Fantasy and fiction are not my normal, that’s for sure, but I am proud that I gave it a shot!

      So happy that this effort gave you some inspiration, and many, many thanks for the kind words!

      Does that make Christy the universe 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Isn’t it amazing how self-conscious we can get? I would have never thought about it being uncomfortable for you simply because I enjoyed it so much. That said, I DO know the feeling when branching out to fantasy and fiction…I always keep those pieces more private.
        Yours was absolutely perfect 🙂
        LOL on Christy U. !!

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Food for thought. Hmm
    My mind’s cogs are turning. Thanks for the prompt!


  1. Pingback: Child – Only By Definition | Rahul Creatrix's Blog

  2. Pingback: Daily Prompt – Good Tidings | Lord of the Sick - Saviour of the World

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