M(3), 12/22: The End of the End


Today’s meeting, which started out woefully small but wound up with 12 attendees by the end, focused on the second half of step 12 from the book Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions.  In case you are not following along with this series of posts, step 12 is:

Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

The section of the chapter we read today focused most on the third prong of this step, and that is taking the principles learned within the 12-step program, and applying those principles to all other aspects of our lives:  our marriages, our careers, our financial affairs, even (especially) our self-image.

I know I have written this ad nauseam, but I’ll write it again anyway:  there’s not a problem in my life that the 12-step principles can’t ameliorate, if not actually solve.  From the simplicity of practicing acceptance and taking life one day at a time, to the more intensive work of personal inventory and making amends, practicing the 12 steps improves my entire life, not just helps me to abstain from altering myself chemically.  A strong statement, but so far for this recovering alcoholic, a true one.

The rest of the group focused on the blessings that working the 12 steps has brought to their lives.  Some of the highlights:

  • The end of our self-imposed isolation
  • Being comfortable in our own skin
  • A greater appreciation for family and friends
  • The development of a whole new set of friends
  • A greater maturity and wisdom
  • The joy received from being of service to others
  • A sense of accomplishment (this fellow joked that receiving the one year coin at an AA meeting is the equivalent to receiving an Oscar)
  • The serenity that comes with knowing that whatever is happening, “this too shall pass”
  • The comfort that only comes from the trust in a power greater than oneself
  • The certainty that this Higher Power is a benevolent omnipresence in our lives
  • The absolute faith that everything happens for a reason, and that our job is simply to trust our Higher Power, clean up our side of the street and do the next right thing

A joyous and hope-filled meeting to start the holiday week off right.  Hope yours is off to as wonderful a start!

Today’s Miracle:

Finishing up this post, then off to cookie making, and preparing the cookie decorating assembly line for when the kids get home.  From someone who, a few short years ago, could not successfully bake the heat and eat varieties, homemade roll-out cookies topped with homemade royal icing is a miracle!  Here are some of the “naked” first batch:



Posted on December 22, 2014, in Monday Meeting Miracles, Recovery and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. Getting back to reading posts after many months away, Merry Christmas to you!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great message Josie. I often note that for any problem in my existence, if I sit down with the 12 and 12, I will find an answer before reaching the end – usually within the first three steps.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I don’t attend AA (group anything isn’t for me), but I’m glad you’re finding such benefit in the fellowship and program. I think it’s important for everyone to define the principles they live by, and the 12&12, as best as I can tell, embody a beneficial set of virtues.


    Liked by 1 person

  4. At what number does woeful turn into wonderful? lol…just razzing you, Josie. I have been to meetings where it was just me and an old dude or two. And they were cool. But glad that more folks showed up to your meeting!

    As for the steps in general – I do agree that pretty much most of my issues (outside of physical or medical) can be smoothed out by them. Like Robert so wisely said, it’s pretty much in the first three steps that I find my real solution. usually the third step..lol. But they all have their place.

    I love that list of yours …amazing and true!!

    And those cookies look pretty darn good too 🙂

    Have a wonderful and happy holidays, my friend! Can’t wait to se what the new year has in store for all of us! 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

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